Program – Dee Ford Potter: Modern Art in the Fiber Arts

HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid 3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
Scholarship Presentation – Kimberly Farner: Tapestry Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 6664 0116 Passcode: 974225

Weave Structure Study Group

Deschutes Public Library East Side Conference Room 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend, OR
This study group focuses on a weave structure for an agreed amount of time and meets about quarterly to share ideas and show progress.

Program – Tylar Merrill: Soft, Supple, and Stylish Felting

HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid 3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 6664 0116 Passcode: 974225 Tylar Merrill is the owner of Thimbleberry Felt Designs Studio & Gallery and has been creating felt art and teaching...

Workshop – Tylar Merrill: Felting Vessels & Bowls

Central Oregon Collective 62070 SE 27th Street, Bend, OR, United States
Take your felt making to another level & go 3D! Students will experiment & explore the endless possibilities of making abstract shapes creating seamless 3D forms by using the process...
Get Tickets $65.00 – $95.00 2 tickets left

Workshop – Tylar Merrill: Felting Wall Art

Central Oregon Collective 62070 SE 27th Street, Bend, OR, United States
Make a hand-felted piece of art, inspired by traditional art or ancient images. Explore felt-specific techniques for surface design and texturing, including color blending, pattern inlay, shading, & the effects...
Get Tickets $130.00 – $155.00 7 tickets left