2025 Spinning Study group topic Farm to Yarn. We will focus on the steps from the shearing to finished yarn and the tools and techniques used to make our beautiful...
HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
The Wednesday Tapestry Study Group meets right after our monthly COSW meeting starting at noon after a short break for lunch (3rd Wednesday – bring your lunch) at the Highland Baptist Church...
2025 Spinning Study group topic Farm to Yarn. We will focus on the steps from the shearing to finished yarn and the tools and techniques used to make our beautiful...
HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91266640116?pwd=K2g0b1hhaU5mNTBkVDIwRTQ4ckdldz09 Meeting ID: 912 6664 0116 Passcode: 974225 Tylar Merrill is the owner of Thimbleberry Felt Designs Studio & Gallery and has been creating felt art and teaching...
HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
The Wednesday Tapestry Study Group meets right after our monthly COSW meeting starting at noon after a short break for lunch (3rd Wednesday – bring your lunch) at the Highland Baptist Church...
Central Oregon Collective
62070 SE 27th Street, Bend, OR, United States
Take your felt making to another level & go 3D! Students will experiment & explore the endless possibilities of making abstract shapes creating seamless 3D forms by using the process...
Central Oregon Collective
62070 SE 27th Street, Bend, OR, United States
Make a hand-felted piece of art, inspired by traditional art or ancient images. Explore felt-specific techniques for surface design and texturing, including color blending, pattern inlay, shading, & the effects...