HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
The Wednesday Tapestry Study Group meets right after our monthly COSW meeting starting at noon after a short break for lunch (3rd Wednesday – bring your lunch) at the Highland Baptist Church...
HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
Monthly meetings on 3rd Wednesday.  There is a business meeting plus educational program each month. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91266640116?pwd=K2g0b1hhaU5mNTBkVDIwRTQ4ckdldz09 Meeting ID: 912 6664 0116 Passcode: 974225
HIghland Baptist Church Room 129 / Hybrid
3100 SW Highland Ave, Redmond, OR, United States
The Wednesday Tapestry Study Group meets right after our monthly COSW meeting starting at noon after a short break for lunch (3rd Wednesday – bring your lunch) at the Highland Baptist Church...